Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blood Dazzler Reflections

One of the most prominent aspects of this book is its extremely powerful presence of diction. Much more precise and tangible than City Eclogue, Blood Dazzler tells throughout a multitude of poems the essence in New Orleans after the hurricane.

One of my favorite is on page 24, titled "Voodoo II, Money". It is a great poem because it so expertly captures the almost humorous uselessness of our so valued 'currency' during a time of real disaster. Writing, "it's too thin to hold back tomorrow", in response to someone holding up their dear money in the face of the coming carnage. Money cannot and will not save you, neither physically or spiritually.

Another powerful poem is Katrina on page 31. This poem uses some of the most gritty and effective diction of any poem I've read in my life. Each word almost exponentially stacks in power with the words previous. Words like scrap, grimey, rip and tear that just leave you grimacing for sake of whoever the words are directed at.

I very much enjoyed the style of this author. Her powerful sense of diction is only amplified by her ability to remain so precise and directive with it. I am very impressed.

I look forward to discussing this book further in class!

1 comment:

  1. good responses here. Keep working on expanding the discussion to include more examples and reflection.
